Lupa Throne with Romulus and Remus Close up of Lupa Close up of Romulus and Remus Very Large Head Dimensions - ? x ? Concrete formed over wire armature filled with approximately 4 months of non-recyclable household plastic Very Large Head on Garden Path Very Large Head along Garden Path Flying Concrete Nightgown Large Garden Vessel Pea Pod Concrete Column 4' hypertuffa column filled with several years worth of wine corks Concrete PotHead Portal Concrete sphere imbedded with found river glass and old stove grates Garden Nap Concrete; dimensions ? Adaptive Evolution Concrete with embedded found glass shards Dimensions: 51"x 30"x 20" Adaptive Evolution – front Concrete with embedded found river glass 51”L x 31”W x 22”H Adaptive Evolution – back Yard Fish Gardener’s Lament